"Taking a day off"-what's the hype about?

Hello beautiful people!. If you're reading this, hope you're doing great cause I am🙂.

On to today's topic...drum-roll....."Taking a day off".
Whether you've been working, schooling or doing both, we've all had our share of tons of work waiting to be done. To be honest for me it feels like a never ending cycle of work. Not to mention the sleep deprivation, stress, and pressure that come with these responsibilities.

However from experience in this past semester, sometimes you just gotta create a day off for your self. You can choose to call it whatever you want, but so long as it's a day where you just get to plug away from all the mental health depriving agents...yes that's what I'm calling it.

Trip to Canada Wonderland.

Sometime last month, a trip was to Canada's Wonderland was organized by the youth division of my church. At first, I was convinced I wasn't gonna go on this trip because the amount of work I had to do was just starring at me in the face saying "girl you're screwed if you go". I kept reminding my self of the projects that needed to be completed, and even the exam I had couple of days after the trip.

But then I realized I was stressing too much, and I was slowly losing focus.Eventually, I decided "If I perish, I perish🤣". I was going on that trip either way because a day off never killed anyone. And that my friends was how I visited Canada's Wonderland and from  my experience, It was worth it!. Not just the fun rides and stuff there, but the fact that I was having this time out with friends and family was soothing.

By the time I came back to school, I was ready to kill it! I came with my A-game, and aced every exam after that!.
 Taking a day off is most certainly NOT overrated. Whenever you get an opportunity to treat yourself, I say you take it. To treat yourself on a day off, you don't have do something as grand as going to Canada's Wonderland. Exercise, "Netflix and me time", long naps, shopping, hanging out with friends, meditation, a walk by the riverside etc. are also great ways to get time off!
I hope you take time to examine your life right now, and make that tough decision on whether you need a day off or not. Remember your mental health is also important!!
Detriot-Windsor Riverside.


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