Hello guys. Its been a while since I last posted because you know sometimes you just need a break from everything😎.
Well in today's post as the title implies, I would be sharing with you how I get myself ready when I can clearly see a hectic week coming (Sad..right😁).

The past two weeks for me has been what I'd tag "Hectic week". With the mid-semester exams, assignments and all, it was almost impossible to keep up. However, since I saw this coming and was somewhat prepared, I was able to get through it in one piece 😼.
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Here's a list of things I typically do to be prepared:

1. Create a to do list for that week
Since you are gonna be busy most of the times, you want to have a list of things that you need to get done. All the assignments due, exam dates, things needed to be done at work, places you need to go etc. There's a chance that while joggling a lot of things, some other things needed to be done could skip your mind.
2. Prepare your meals for the week
I cannot stress enough on this...i mean like food is the way!, Sometimes, I  buy food whenever I get busy but I also try to limit this by pre-cooking and freezing most of my meals for the week to save money and time, while eating well. (This is a topic for the food blog😉 out).
3. Relax
I know this sounds odds, I mean how can you relax when you know you have a lot on your plate. But the truth is if you go into the week with a more clear and relaxed mind, you have a better chance of having a smoother week. So find what keeps you relaxed, or gives you comfort; could be exercising, music, movies, you name it!
4. Have faith and stay positive! 
Believe in yourself, you're gonna need all the pep talk you can get from your self. Remember after a stressful week comes a less stresful weekend𝨝

While you're in the week, be sure to squeeze in some time to destress, to catch your breath a bit. Life's too short not to take care of yourself!!!
Image result for hectic week ahead memes
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