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I'm back!

Hey folks, Been a while eh! To my old time readers, I'm sure by now you know the drill, I'm gonna give you the same "super story" of how I've been busy blah blah might as well get over with it. For the past few months, I've been busy with work and school stuff. This time when I say school stuff, I don't mean only the book stuff but also extra curricular stuff. Yup, you read that right, I decided since its final year and all, why not get involved (Worst decision ever?? that's a story for another day). Most of all, I have been lacking inspiration tbh. I salute all the bloggers out there consistently creating content, its definitely not "rice and beans" ( easy ) like my fellow Nigerians would say. If you noticed, I had been posting on Instagram just to stay relevant (LOL) but making an actual blog post was quite difficult since I wasn't really "feeling it" at the time. Today a bunch of events and cajoling ...

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